I wish you were here

Vorrei fossi qui

“Vorrei fossi qui” Oil on canvas 50×70

I wish you were here (in Italian Vorrei fossi qui) is one of my works.

Inspired also by the Pink Floyd’s famous song, it is an oil picture that wants to describe some enlightment about life that I had few years ago. The picture was painted hearing the Pink Floyd’s song. The aim was that the song led the painter’s hand. Doing this, the song entered into the picture. I suggest to listen to the song looking at the painting in order to relive the moment of creation.

The picture seems easy at a first glance: few brushstrokes and few colours. That was the target, to avoid any kind of distraction. It is an exercise of meditation. Easy, clear and transparent in order to let people to meditate about their life.

All elements are painted to show their different speed of change. Air quicker than land, human’s things quicker than land. The aim is to show the impermanence of human works in the universe and to prepare for meditation.
Hills represent what happens every day. The first hill is about today and near future. The second one is about the future. The past is in the mind of who is looking at the painting.
So the green area is the perimeter of “here and now”, what could happen taking into account that everything could happen. The yellow street represents our goals. The first part is about what we decide to do next, today or tomorrow (near future). The second part could be linked to the first: is up to each of us to decide or, actually, we will see, in the future, if the two parts are linked together. The second part of the street is about our long term targets that maybe will lead to the arrival (that for me is the discovery of my own values, of my rule of life), what ever it is about – you to decide.
The first hill has the Gauss’ curve’s shape, indicating that every day we can decide to follow the street or to go around on the green field of “no targets” where we can stay even for all life long; but also that if our values (the arrival) are consistent, sooner or later we will reach our target: following our values we can travel the street and understand the meaning of our life. Like the Gauss distribution of probability, if we try hard we will often match the target reaching our life goal.


Le note riempiono di senso l’aria rendendo quasi vero ciò che mi circonda.

Servono due chitarre per ottenere l’effetto realtà

Una distrae, divertendo l’animale e l’altra solletica, soddisfacendo il razionale

E’ così che inizia a convergere il finto cono che tu ritieni poter capire e spiegare

T’intrappola nel nell’illusione dell’obiettivo verso cui corri pure contentamente, ridendo e canticchiando

Nascondono piccole trappole che t’indirizzano dove ti sembri reale, dove vogliono loro

Un’illuminazione di libertà cogliere di non essere solo, ci sono proprio tutti li con te, come te. 

Io ed il mio istinto, io e la mia disciplina siamo due anime perse in quella bolla di sapone

Mordo me stesso soffrendo, uno riconosce il dolore l’altro il sapore del sangue senza capire da dove vengono

E la via si stringe soffocandomi nella speranza di un significato, indicando un cristallizzato sbiadito futuro

Tutt’intorno svolazzano posandosi fin troppo spesso le stesse vecchie paure

Beccano sia me che lui, sia lui che poi sono io ed anche me che rimbalzo tra lui e LUI, tra me e me stesso. 

Pensi che puoi discernerCi. Noi non ci riusciamo.

L’unica possibilità sembra prostituirsi per avere un pò d’aria fresca ma condizionata

A condizione di venderci l’anima

E senza guardarci uno con l’altro per evitare la vergogna riceviamo violentati una schifosa possibilità:

Trascinare, su una striscia di sanguinose rese, il ‘motivo’ in fondo alla strada tracciata da altri,

altri come noi, almeno cechi come noi

Siamo soli e mai franchi.

Scappa appena puoi nei verdi campi della folle libertà…..

I wish you were there…. AMORE


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